FOR THE PERIOD 16 NOV. 1944 - 7 DEC. 1944


23 November 1944

The 4th Infantry Division continued the attack to the northeast in the direction of Duren and despite strong resistance of small arms, machine guns, artillery, mortars, mines, booby traps, and well defended bunkers, secured important terrain.

The 8th Infantry with the same attachments as listed under date of 22 November, attacks at 0840 with the 2d Battalion in the assault. A number of prisoners, unarmed, were taken in a short while. Once again, supply problems delayed the attack. The 3d Battalion was unable to move before 0900. A slow advance was continued by this unit in the face of small arms, machine gun, mortar, and artillery fire. Progress made was good and the close of operations found Companies K, L, am I in the vicinity; of (F-042421), (F-044416), and (F-037420) respectively.

The 2d Battalion was able to move to the southeast toward its objective with Company E and F converging in the vicinity of (F-037411) with Company G to their immediate rear.

Due to extremely heavy enemy fire, the 1st Battalion was unable to move forward throughout the day and at 1515 Company C was ordered to move behind. Company A and effect contact with the left flank of Company I. Company B was withdrawn in order to give the men one good night's rest and get needed replacements. This closed the day's activity.

The 12th Infantry, no change from previous attachments, moved its 1st Battalion to a forward assembly area starting at 0945. Patrols from Company C wore dispatched at 1000 and Company B at 1045, while at 1015, the 2d 3attalion initiated an attack to the east. A mine field was encountered by the battalion in the vicinity of (F-016367) at 1118, Company F negotiated this obstacle within half an hour and the battalion crossed the main north-south road at 1351. While the combat patrols from Companies B and C both reached their objectives on the high ground to the east of the roadway, the 2d Battalion was stopped short of its objective in the late afternoon by additional mines and enemy resistance. Positions were consolidated for the night with Company G coming forward in the trace of the two leading companies.

The 22d Infantry, with Company C, 4th Medical Battalion; one platoon, Company C, 4th Engineer Combat Battalion; Company C and one platoon, Company D, 70th Tank Battalion; Company C, less one platoon, 87th Chemical Battalion; Company C, 803d Tank Destroyer Battalion (SP), and Company C, 709th Tank Battalion attached. The orders for 23 November provided for consolidation of positions, clearing of rear areas and routes forward, and the securing of four key trail and road junctions, all within 500 yards of the front lines.

A small task force, organized by the 1st Battalion, and consist ing of a platoon of Infantry, a platoon of tanks, and a mine sweeping detachment of Engineers moved eastward at 0850 to clear the road from the 1st Battalion positions to the 3d Battalion positions. This was completed by 1330 under artillery and mortar fire, but negligible infantry opposition, and the platoon of tanks remained to support the 3d Battalion. Additional progress was made in clearing routes forward throughout the Combat Team sector.

Enemy pressure on the northern flank of the 3d Battalion increased during the morning, but no ground was gained by the Germans. Later in the day Company I succeeded in clearing its objective (the buildings located in the vicinity of coordinates (F-042388) of the enemy and taking several prisoners. Enemy mortar and artillery fire, including direct artillery fire from Grosshau, continued to pound the battalion area.

By 1145 the 2d Battalion had readjusted its lines to the east so that its two assigned objectives, the trail junction at coordinates (F-035373) and (F-036376), were controlled by fire. Very heavy enemy artillery fire was received in the battalion sector.

24 November 1944

The 4th Infantry Division continued the attack through the Hurtgen Forest with two regimental combat teams abreast, CT 12 was on the right and CT 8 on the left. The attacking Combat Teams advanced slowly throughout the day against a stubborn enemy in heavily wooded terrain made more adverse due to the ever consistent intermittent rain. By the end of the period, both Combat Teams had secured their assigned objectives.

The 8th Infantry, with Company A, 4th Medical Battalion; one Platoon, Company A, 4th Engineer Combat Battalion; Company D, less one Platoon, Company A, end Assault Gun Platoon of the 70th Tank Battalion; Company A, less one Platoon, 803d Tank Destroyer Battalion (SP), and Company C, 87th Chemical Battalion attached, was ordered to continue the attack in the direction of Duren by 0830. Company C began moving forward at 0747, but Company B was unable to continue forward movement until 1000 due to heavy artillery and mortar fire, as well as extremely heavy small arms fire from a well dug in enemy. The 2d Battalion with Companies E and F abreast continued to advance slowly to the southeast meeting extremely heavy machine gun and small arms fire as well as artillery and mortar fire, but by the end of the day had reached the vicinity of (F-040410) having captured considerable enemy personnel, weapons and equipment. Company B continued movement to the east once it had overcome the enemy's main positions, and reached the 1st Battalion objective in the vicinity of (F-045427). On the 1st Battalion's objective being taken, the 3d Battalion relieved Companies B and C who were withdrawn to the rear, Company B to area (F-013414) and Company C to (F-013413). Company A remained in area F-036426 throughout the day as the reserve of the 1st Battalion. The attached engineers continued clearing supply routes to battalions and the main supply road, their work being constantly impeded by heavy shelling especially along the road from (F-030414) to (F-037412). By 1800, the 2d Battalion had been ordered to continue the attack to its objective on the following day.

The 12th Infantry, with Company B, 4th Medical Battalion; one Platoon, Company B, 4th Engineer Combat Battalion; Company B, 70th Tank Battalion, and Company B, less one Platoon, 803d Tank Destroyer Battalion (SP) attached, continued the attack to the east at 0900 with the 3d Battalion passing through the outpost line previously hold by the 1st Battalion.

The 3d Battalion advanced rapidly and by 1102 was moving onto its objective with Company K. Company L was ordered to proceed to the objective and assist Company K in organizing and holding this important terrain feature. This movement was accomplished and the 3d Battalion objective was secured although almost constant artillery and mortar fire fell in that area. The 2d Battalion advanced against small arms and machine gun fire from enemy strong points and reached its first objective at (F-023361) at 1030. By 1215 the 2d Battalion was finally established, on its objective, and by 1400 had gained contact with the 121st Infantry on the Combat Team's right flank. The 1st Battalion mopped up enemy groups in the rear areas and established contact with the 24th Cavalry Reconnaissance Squadron on the Regimental Combat Team's north (left) flank. Attached engineers continued to clear supply routes in CT 12's zone of action of enemy road blocks, mines, and booby traps.

The 22d Infantry, with Company C, 4th Medical Battalion; one Platoon, Company C, 4th Engineer Combat Battalion; Company C, plus one Platoon, Company D, 70th Tank Battalion; Company C, 803d Tank Destroyer Battalion (SP); Company C, 709th Tank Battalion, and Company D, 87th Chemical Battalion attached, received heavy artillery fire, including direct fire on forward units. During the early hours of the period, the fire slackened somewhat, but continued sporadically during the day. This period was used mostly to regroup, adjust, and consolidate previously secured positions. Patrols moved along the south flank of the 2d Battalion and through the area between the 1st and 3d Battalions. Engineers with infantry support rushed to open all roads and trails in the Combat Team's zone of action by clearing them of enemy road blocks, mines, and booby traps. The advance of CT 12 relieved pressure on the 2d Battalion's flank, so in view of this Company B, previously attached to the 2d Battalion, was returned to control of the 1st Battalion. Company B moved north to rejoin the 1st Battalion closing in the area of the 1st Battalion by 1450. Company A was moved to extend the flank of the 3d Battalion and maintain contact with them. Throughout the period, planning for the continuation of the attack to the east, was made.


Source: N.A.R.A. Archives

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