FOR THE PERIOD 16 NOV. 1944 - 7 DEC. 1944


21 November 1944

The 4th Infantry Division consolidated and maintained the positions secured at the close of the previous day's operations and continued mopping up the wooded areas flanking regimental main lines of resistance, and all areas beween front line elements.

The 8th Infantry with the same attachments as previously mentioned; during this period, the 1st and 2d Battalions continued to maintain their positions, while the 3d Battalion moved out at 0830 on its mission to destroy all enemy forces east end west of the road from F-019402 to F-023393. Company L advanced generally to the south, encountering only small arms fire but was forced to reduce obstacles at F-019402 and F-020402. Company I had likewise moved out to the south to remain within supporting distance of Company L. Company L encountered an enemy tank, a half-track, and an infantry force dug in in the vicinity of F-024347 but apparently struck them in flank and rapidly drove them off, capturing 29 prisoners of war. Contact was maintained with Company K and established with the 22d Infantry at 1620, thus accomplishing the assigned mission. All companies were then pulled back to an assembly area and proceeded to dig in for the night. The terrain that had been cleared of the enemy during the day was out-posted by elements of the 24th Cavalry Reconnaissance Squadron.

The 12th Infantry with the same, attachments as previously mentioned; the 121st Infantry Regiment of the 8th Infantry Division moved out at 0900 from assembly areas to the rear of CT 12's positions to attack through and relieve elements of the Combat Team. Company F of the 121st Infantry while attempting to pass through Companies F and G of the 12th Infantry received heavy mortar fire and six artillery concentrations. The relief, of the 1st-and 3d Battalions was completed by 1500 and the 2d Battalion by 1700, but withdrawal of the 12th Infantry was not initiated and plans were coordinated to accomplish this on the 22dof November.

The 22d Infantry with the same attachments as previously mentioned; because of the supply and evacuation difficulties and the necessity of cleaning out by-passed enemy pockets, an attack was not ordered on this date. The day was utilised in consolidating positions and opening a motor route to the leading battalions. The engineers worked continuously under fire in their efforts to open supply roads to forward elements. Heavy rains further hindered their work by decreasing the efficiency of their mine detectors. By daylight, the critical bridge at F-021384 was passable to traffic.

Patrols continued working throughout the Combat Team's sector, rounding up small groups of the enemy. At 1100, Company K again attacked the strong point just to the east of the Regimental CP, and supported by tanks and a tank destroyer, dislodged the enemy and captured 20 prisoners. At 1155, the bridge, and main supply road were finally cleared and traffic was able to reach forward battalions. At 1555, Company I, supported by tanks and tank destroyers, moved to the north along the main north-south roadway with the mission of clearing the area and establishing contact with elements of CT 8. This contact was made without enemy resistance by 1655. During the period, the entire Combat Team area was shelled by heavy caliber pieces.

22 November 1944

The 4th Infantry Division, continued its attack through the Hurtgen Forest against resistance that seemed unlikely to diminish.

The 8th Infantry, with Company A, 4th Medical Battalion; one Platoon, Company A, 4th Engineer Combat Battalion; Company D, less one Platoon, Company A, Assault Gun Platoon, 70th Tank Battalion;Company A, less one Platoon, 803d Tank Destroyer Battalion (SP) and one Platoon, Company C, 87th Chemical Battalion, attached. The attack of the regiment was delayed in an effort to bring up the supporting armor, this failing, the attack was initiated at 0930 by the 1st Battalion. Supporting fires were furnished by the 2d Battalion which were of great help to the advance of the sister unit, but, at the same time, resultedin greatly increased artillery fire in their own sector. The 1st Battalion fought its way stubbornly forward against strong resistance and succeeded in reaching the edge, of its objective, Jägerhaus.

At 1120, the 3d Battalion started moving along the axis of advance of the 1st Battalion. Shortly after 1300, Company I made contact with the enemy and took a number of prisoners. When leading elements had reached the vicinity of F-033424, the battalion then worked back to the southeast, effecting a partial encirclement of the enemy and resulting in the annihilation and capture of large numbers. The area to the southeast as far as the vicinity of F-032414 was then considered clear.

In the interim, Company C maneuvered to the left(north) of Company B and, in theface of heavy and continuous mortar, artillery, and small arms fire, succeeded in reaching the vicinity of F-034431. Once again, front line elements were suffering due to the great efforts required to keep supplies moving up. The engineers continued to work on clearing and repairing the main supply road but progress was slow because work had to be carried on under heavy fire.

The 12th Infantry, with Company B, 4th Medical Battalion;one Platoon, Company B, 4th Engineer Combat Battalion; Company B, 70th Tank Battalion, and Company B, less one Platoon; 803d Tank Destroyer Battalion (SP) attached, initiated movement to assembly areas to the north of the new division right (south) boundary. All three battalions had cleared front positions and closed within assigned areas by 1215 as division reserve.

The 22d Infantry, with Company C, 4th Medical Battalion; one Platoon, Company C, 4th Engineer Combat Battalion; Company C and one Platoon, Company D, 70th Tank Battalion.;Company C, less one Platoon, 87th Chemical Battalion, and Company C, 803d Tank Destroyer Battalion (SP), attached. The attack plan for the day included the movement east of the 3d Battalion through, and to the north of, the 1st Battalion to an objective just short of Grosshau, the road junction at coordinates (043383). The 2d Battalion was to push straight to the east. The 1st Battalion, reverting to Combat Team reserve, was to move one company south to extend and protect the south (right) flank of the 2d Battalion.

The 1st Battalion feinted several false attacks shortly after 0800 hours and, it seemed, accomplished its mission of detracting the enemy from the attack of the 3d Battalion further to the north. Company B moved to the south at 0845 and extended the right flank of the 2d Battalion.

The 3d Battalion moved shortly after daylight and passed through the northern flank of the 1st Battalion at 0930. Enemy mortar, artillery, and small arms fire was encountered but the advance continued and several enemy machine gun positions were overrun. Contact was lost with the attacking echelons when key personnel became casualties, but by 1335, the attack had carried to a point from which the road junction at coordinates (043383) was under our direct fire. The battalion consolidated its positions so as to cut the roads leading to the junction from the west and northwest. Direct artillery fire was received from the western edge of Grosshau, which was within sight of the battalion positions.

A small enemy attack on its left flank (evidently caused by the 1st Battalion's feints to the east) was repulsed by the 2d Battalion at 0905. At 0950 the 2d Battalion attacked to the east and immediately en-countered stubborn resistance including fire from two dug in self-propelled guns. Slow progress was made, aided by caliber .50 machine gun fire from tank destroyers which were able to move to within several hundred yards of the road bend at coordinates (F-030375).Despite numerous casualties, this battalion continued to advance until the left flank was approximately 500 yards to the southwest of the 1st Battalion. Here positions were consolidated. Approximately 100 replacements received by the 2d Battalion during the afternoon were used as a unit to assist in covering the south flank which had become more exposed as the attack progressed to the east.


Source: N.A.R.A. Archives

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