FOR THE PERIOD 16 NOV. 1944 - 7 DEC. 1944


25 November 1944

The 4th Infantry Division continued the attack to the east with three Combat Teams abreast against an enemy determined to hold to the last man in the thick woods which compose the Hurtgen Forest. The consistency of the intermittent rain rendered the thick matting of the forest and the few roads and trails a mass of mud which did much to hinder the advance. It was almost impossible for the tanks and tank destroyers of the units to keep up with the advancing infantry. The enemy continued to use all available weapons to impede our progress. Mortars, machine guns, many small arms, mines, and booby traps were used extensively and in the Grosshau vicinity, enemy self-propelled guns fired direct fire into our front line of advance.

The 8th Infantry with the same attachments as mentioned 24 November; the 2d Battalion attacked at 1130 to the southeast, initially encountering enemy resistance consisting of light small arms and mortar fire. At 1330, this battalion repulsed a small counterattack launched by 40 to 50 enemy infantry from the northeast, continued the advance and by 1410, had succeeded in capturing its objective at (F-047407). The 3d Battalion maintained, readjusted and strengthened the positions previously secured, and patrolled to the north as far as (F-042427). Company A was withdrawn to the vicinity of (F-011412). Tanks and tank destroyers were moved into the 2d and 3d Battalions' areas while an artillery liaison plane hovered above to spot any hostile artillery or antitank guns.

The 12th Infantry with the same attachments as mentioned 24 November attacked at 0900 to secure objectives, (F-042370), (F-038364) and (F-030360). Making good progress through the difficult wooded, hilly terrain against light resistance from a disorganised enemy using mostly small arms fire to impede the progress, the 2d Battalion succeeded in seizing its objective at (F-025357). From that position the battalion was able to assist by fire the attack of CC "R", 5th Armored Division on Hurtgen (F-0435). Upon reaching its objective, the 2d Battalion began to consolidate the position and to mop up small pockets of by-passed enemy in, rear areas. By the end of the period, contact was established by the 2d Battalion with 121st Infantry on the right and the 3d Battalion of the 12th Infantry on the left. The 1st Battalion moved to an assembly area in the vicinity of F-020057, closing in the new area by 1030. Patrols of the 1st Battalion were used to mop up small pockets of by-passed enemy in the woods adjacent to the regimental road net. The 3d Battalion continued to consolidate and readjust its positions previously secured, and to mop up small enemy groups in rear areas.

The 22d Infantry; with Company C, 4th Medical Battalion; one Platoon, Company C, 4th Engineer Combat Battalion; Company C, 70th Tank Battalion; Company C, 803d Tank Destroyer Battalion (SP); Company C, 709th Tank Battalion, and Company D, 87th Chemical Battalion attached. Enemy mortar and artillery fire continued throughout the area with moderate intensity during the early hours of the period.

The plan of attack for CT 22 on 25 November was to attack with the 2d and 3d Battalions . The 3d Battalion was to envelope Grosshau to the north; the 2d Battalion was to reach the edge of the woods southwest of Grosshau so that direct fire could be placed on the towns of Grosshau and Kleinhau. The attack was planned to be effected without artillery preparation in hope of surprising the enemy.

The 2d Battalion attacked at 0820, having been delayed due to the attached armor being unable to negotiate the poor roads available to them. The 3d Battalion attacked at 0745. Both battalions encountered heavy resistance immediately on attacking from small arms, mortar, and artillery fire.

By 0845 the 3d Battalion was moving onto the high ground north of Grosshau at F-048385 having taken 50 prisoners of war. At this point, the Battalion paused for reorganisation before assaulting the town of Grosshau. The delay was protracted when difficulty in moving supporting tanks and tank destroyers was caused by the poor road net. Enemy artillery and mortar fire increased during the period.

The advance of the 2d Battalion was bitterly contested by the enemy, but by 1030 they were on their objective, the near edge of the woods overlooking the town of Grosshau.

At 1145 the 3d Battalion attacked across the open field leading into Grosshau from the north. The enemy reacted immediately by placing very heavy fire on the attacking elements. Enemy self-propelled guns, mortars of all calibers, and withering small arms fire stopped this attack disabling four tanks and two tank destroyers supporting the battalion's attempt to advance. Further attempts to capture the town from the north were repulsed and at 1500 the battalion dug in north of Grosshau after suffering heavy casualties.

The 1st Battalion, in regimental reserve, moved to the east following the attack of the 3d Battalion. One company had the mission of clearing the area north of the 2d Battalion of all enemy as far as the edge of Grosshau. This company moved out at 1300, and reached the road junction west of Grosshau (F-043383) where it dug in for the night. The reminder of the 1st Battalion moved to positions previously occupied by the 3d Battalion.


Source: N.A.R.A. Archives

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