FOR THE PERIOD 16 NOV. 1944 - 7 DEC. 1944


20 November 1944

The 4th Infantry Division continued its attack to the east and northeast through the Hurtgen Forest in the direction of the City of Düren, inflicting heavy casualties on the enemy and securing important terrain features.

The 8th Infantry with the attachments mentioned under date of 19 November, attacked with the 2d and 3d Battalions at 1000. The 1st Battalion attack was again impeded by heavy artillery, mortar, and flat projectory tank fire and was not initiated until 1200, at which time Company B began the advance. The 1st Battalion covered 250 yards within its zone of action before heavy fires had stopped it in the vicinity of F-024421. An antipersonnel mine field in the vicinity of F-019406 forced the 2d Battalion to maneuver to the north. The advance was slow but continuous until Company E had reached the vicinity of F-026410, Company F, F-026412, and Company G, F-025407, where they were ordered to consolidate for the night. Heavy artillery and mortar fire prevented the 3d Battalion from continuing to the south to establish contact with the 22d Infantry, but some advances by Companies K and L were made. Supporting engineers worked on the Regimental main supply road and battalion supply roads but progress was slow because of enemy fire. Minefields encountered in the 8th Infantry sector were still numerous as could be said in general for the entire Hurtgen Forest area.

The 12th Infantry with the attachments mentioned under date of 19 November; the attacks of the three battalions were initiated successively - 3d Battalion at 0800, the 1st Battalion at 1914 and Company E at the same time. Companies F and G being unable to move out. Elements of the 1st Battalion initially were able to advance 100 yards but by 1250, were forced back to their line of departure by extremely heavy and accurate fire. By 1300, elements of the 3d Battalion lost what little ground they had stubbornly fought for and were forced back by heavy fire on their left flank. The attack of Company E, however, continued throughout the period and was the only gain secured. This attack had progressed some 450 yards and the success can be attributed in part to the availability of of the support of three tanks. Elements of the 121st Infantry Regiment of the 8th Infantry Division closed within assembly areas to the rear of the front line positions prior to the close of the period.

The 22d Infantry with the attachments as mentioned under date of 19 November; heavy concentrations of both 120mm mortars and 150 mm artillery fire pounded the front line elements of the regiment during the night of 19-20 November. The 2d Battalion attacked at 0830 to take a limited objective approximately 600 yards to the east of their front lines astride the main road to Grosshau. Heavy opposition was encountered immediately in the form of artillery, mortar, machine gun, and small arms fire. It was subsequently discovered that the enemy had launched an attack at the same time which naturally resulted in a head-on clash between the two forces. The battalion forced its way forward slowly against determined resistance.

Because of the heavy fire, the 1st Battalion's attack had been delayed until 0920, but progressed rapidly and had covered some 500 yards by 1000. At 1000, the 2d Battalion had Company G on its objective and at 1017, the 1st Battalion had completed its mission. Roads were immediately blocked by mines and bazooka teams. A counterattack from the north was launched by the enemy at 1037 against the 1st Battalion. However, it came at a time when the battalion had completed consolidating its gains and the enemy was allowed to come within very close range before fire was placed upon them. The attack was repulsed with heavy casualties on the Germans and 25 prisoners of war were taken.

An enemy force which included six tanks or self-propelled guns attacked the 2d Battalion from the southeast at 1050 and Company L of the reserve battalion was ordered up as a reinforcement. The counterattack was repulsed and Company L was then attached to the 2d Battalion to cover its right flank.

By 1420, the 1st and 2d Battalions were firmly established upon their objective but heavy artillery and mortar fire continued upon them. The few muddy trails and firebreaks throughout the forest were blocked by antitank mines usually found three deep and most of them were booby trapped. The essential bridge at F-021384 had been completely demolished and the almost constant shelling of the entire Combat Team made engineer work extremely difficult. It was necessary to carry supplies by hand more than 1,000 yards to the forward battalions and armor and antitank guns were still unable to reach these units. This was generally the situation that the Combat Team found itself in at the close of the period.

21 November 1944. The 4th Infantry Division consolidated and maintained the positions secured at the close of the previous day's operations and continued mopping up the wooded areas flanking regimental


Source: N.A.R.A. Archives

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