Operations of the 2nd Bn., 329th Inf. (83rd Inf. Div.)
Hurtgen Forest and Roer Valley
10-17 Dev. 1944 - (Rhineland Campaign)

By Captain Raymond C. Greis



Late in the afternoon on 16 December the battalion received orders to continue the attack at 0740 hours, 17 December to seize the west banks of the Roer River in its zone. About 1000 yards separated the 2d Battalion from its final objective -- at last the end was in sight. 53

The regimental mission was to capture Rolsdorf and that portion of the west banks of the Roer River in the Regimental zone. 54

The Regimental plan for the accomplishment of this mission was about as follows: 55

I. The 2d Battalion would attack due east to seize that portion of the regimental objective in its zone.
II. The 1st Battalion was to follow the 2d Battalion, turn right on the road to Rolsdorf, and attack that town from the north.
III. The 3d Battalion, in Birgel, would remain in position prepared to attack Rolsdorf from the southwest.
IV. Priority of artillery fires would go initially to the 2d Battalion.

Due to the lack of cover on the open ground to either flank, the 2d Battalion Commander decided to attack straight down the road to Duren in a column of companies with "E" Company leading, followed by "F" Company, and then "G" Company.

At 0720 hours, on 17 December, a 10 minute artillery preparation blasted the buildings along the road to Duren, and at 0730 hours "E" Company jumped off. "E" Company advanced rapidly for 500 yards before being stopped by stiff enemy resistance to the front. "F" Company was immediately committed around the left flank, succeeded in by-passing the enemy, and headed for the objective. The Battalion Commander then sent Company "G" still further around the left flank, abreast of "F" Company. As a result of these flank attacks, the enemy resistance facing "E" Company collapsed, enabling the company to push on toward the Roer River. By 1000 hours the battalion was on its objective and planning a defense. 56

The initial rapid advance of Company "E" enabled the 1st Battalion to send "C" and "A" Companies south into the flanks and rear of the enemy positions in Rolsdorf, thereby facilitating the speedy capture of that town. 57

With the capture of Rolsdorf, the 3d Battalion attacked northeast from Birgel toward Rolsdorf in an attempt to cut off a large group of enemy in trenches between Gurzenich and Birgel. When the enemy became engaged in a firefight with the 3d Battalion, "B" Company mounted tanks and attacked out of Rolsdorf into the enemy's rear. The enemy, completely confused by this move, came out of the trenches and surrendered. This ended all resistance in the regimental zone of action. 58

The period from 13-23 December was spent in improving the defense of the Roer River line. On 23 December the 329th Infantry was relieved by the 414th Infantry of the 104th Division. 59


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