Operations 2nd Bn, 311th Infantry (78th Inf. Div)
in the Attack on Kesternich
30 January - 1 February 1945 - (Rhineland Campaign)

By Captain John H. Barner



The line of departure would be the present front line held by the 2d Battalion; H hour, 0530 hours; D day 30 January 1945.

The 2d Battalion's plan of attack was to cross the line of departure with F Company, three platoons abreast, two of which would be north of the main street in KESTERNICH. FP Company was to pivot to the north to secure objectives 26 and 27, with a zone of action extending south of objective 27 to building 63. The 1st Platoon of H Company's machine guns was to be in direct support of F Company with positions in F Company's 1st Platoon area. Fire missions included leading the 2d and 3d Platoons by fire as they swung to the north and also firing on any enemy counterattacks coming from the north.


G Company was to attack on the right flank of F Company with two platoons in column, penetrate the enemy main line of resistance south of the main street, and then turn south to secure objective 22. The 2d Platoon of H Company's machine guns was to be in direct support of G Company. One platoon of G Company had the mission of protecting the south (right) flank of the battalion by moving south from the line of departure to a position where it could overlook the deep draw on this flank. From this point it was to turn east and secure objective 543 which consisted of a small bit of high ground between the two fingers of the main draw. After securing objective 543 this platoon was to establish contact with the 3d Battalion by sending patrols through the draw to the south.

E Company was to be assembled in houses immediately in rear of the line of departure. As F and G Companies penetrated the main defenses and wheeled to the north and south respectively E Company, in a column of platoons, was to attack through the gap thus formed and secure objective 28. From this point E Company was to continue the attack eastward with two platoons to secure objective 30. The remaining platoon of E Company was to attack to the northeast and assist F Company in the capture of objective 27.

The 81 mm Mortar Platoon, in battery positions to the rear of the line of departure, was to be retained under battalion control. Each rifle company was to be accompanied by one mortar forward observer who would operate an SCR 300 in the mortar fire control net. 30  Observers from the 4.2 Mortar Platoon, combat team artillery, and Cannon Company (attached to 307th Field Artillery Battalion) were also available.

The Battalion Anti-Tank Platoon was to cover the flanks with special attention to the north flank which offered the best tank approach from along the STRAUCH-KESTERNICH ROAD. This platoon was to follow the advance by bounds.

One platoon of tanks was attached to F Company and one platoon to E Company. One section of a tank destroyer platoon was placed in direct support of F Company. This left one platoon of tanks and one section of tank destroyers for the battalion reserve.

No artillery preparation was planned in the hope that tactical surprise would be achieved and the enemy positions overrun before they could effectively man any fixed defenses in the area. The battalion had no priority on the fires of any artillery except the Regimental Cannon Company.

Each soldier carried a one pound block of explosive with detonator. Each machine gun squad carried one (1) twenty pound shaped charge. These explosives were to be used for digging into the frozen ground after objectives had been taken. Each tank carried one four foot section of bangalore torpedo in a position readily available to the infantry.

The Battalion Command Post was established just south of the road leading into KESTERNICH and near the line of departure.The Aid Station was set up in the cellar of a house just across the road to the north of the Battalion Command Post. Radio silence was to "be observed until fire was received from the enemy. 31


Traffic control on the KESTERNICH-SIMMERATH road was essential during the period immediately prior to the time of attack. Company E, 2d Battalion and Company A, 796th Tank Battalion were required to move east from SIMMERATH toward KESTERNICH on this road and be cleared from the road prior to 0500 hours, 30 January. This was necessary in order to make the road available for use by the 3d Battalion and elements of CCA, 5th Armored Division.

The movement was accomplished with a minimum of difficulty. Company E, 2d Battalion and Company A, 796th Tank Battalion were in position ready for the attack prior to the designated time.

In as much as the two assault companies were already on their line of departure no further movement was necessary.

The 2d Battalion was now ready to launch their attack. 31.1


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