The Operations of the 9th Infantry Regiment (2nd Infantry Division)
in the Attack on pillbox sector at Wahlerscheid, Germany
(Heartbreak Crossroads) - 13 - 16 December 1944
(Rhineland Campaign)

By Captain John A. Frye


Relieved in the Schnee Eifel Forest, Germany, by the 106th Infantry Division on the night of 10 - 11 December 1944, the 2nd Infantry Division moved into a rear assembly area in the vicinity of Camp Elsenborn, Belgium. (14)

The 2nd Battalion of the 9th Infantry moved from the Schnee Eifel Forest on the night of 10 - 11 December in a severe snowstorm. The Battalion closed in an assembly area in the vicinity of Camp Elsenborn at approximately 0100, 11 December. The bivouac was an open field, bordered on one side by a woods about. 100 yards wide. There was no available shelter except two blankets and a shelter half per individual. Officers and men alike made the best of the situation in two feet of snow and a high wind that caused drifts three to six feet deep. The temperature was 24° F. (15)

The storm abated early on the morning of 11 December, with the temperature ranging between 20 - 30° F. (16)

The 11 - 12 December were spent preparing for combat in the usual manner. Two pyramidal tents were erected in the vicinity of each company kitchen, for the purpose of providing shelter for the men at mealtime, washing and shaving locations, and a place to write letters. Each platoon was given certain times to use the tents. The severe weather was hard on everyone. In the previous position in the Schnee Eifel Forest, although in contact with the enemy, the men were exposed very little, since much time had been spent building shelters and all the comforts of a stabilized position without sacrificing the tactical principle involved. Three hot meals were served each day, and equipment was checked, repaired and completed. (17)

Field Order #33, Headquarters V Corps, directed the 2nd Infantry Division to seize the following objectives: (See Map A)


  1. Rohren.
  2. Road junction, Höfen-Rocherath Road.
  3. Hill mass 3000 yards east of road Junction.
  4. High ground east of Dreiborn and Harperscheid.
  5. Road Junction and high ground at Morsbach.
  6. Dam #5 and ridge to south (The Urft Talsperre Dam on the Urft River northwest of Gemünd).

Objective #2 was to be taken first; then Objectives #1 and 3 simultaneously; thence Objectives #4, 5, and 6. (18)

Field Order #12, Headquarters 2nd Infantry Division, directed the 9th Infantry Regiment to attack astride the Krinkelt-Rocherath-Wahlerscheid Road, to seize and secure the road Junction on the International Boundary at Wahlerscheid, Germany, and be prepared to continue the attack on order. (19)

On 11 December 1944 orders from the Regimental Commander directed the 1st and 2nd Battalions to attack abreast at 0830, 13 December, to seize and secure by surprise the pillbox area at the Wahlerscheid Road Junction and be prepared to continue the attack on order to the north. The 1st Battalion, on the left, would move cross country, guiding on the Krinkelt-Rocherath-Wahlerscheid Road, to cut the Monschau-Wahlerscheid Road in their zone. The 2nd Battalion, on the right, guiding on the KrinkeIt-Rocherath-Wahlerscheid Road, would move cross country also, to cut the Wahlerscheid-Dreiborn Road in their zone. Both Battalions were to be prepared to continue the attack to the north on order. The 3rd Battalion, in reserve, would follow the route of the 2nd Battalion. (20)

The order further stated that the Battalion S-2 would immediately contact elements of the 99th Division, now out-posting the proposed line of departure, for the purpose of sending out patrols to gain additional information regarding terrain, obstacles, and disposition of enemy. (21)

The order was accompanied by an operations overlay, designating a forward assembly area to be occupied prior to darkness 12 December. This movement was to be screened by elements of the 99th Division, until properly relieved by elements of the 9th Infantry Regiment. (22)


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