By Lt. Frank U. Roquemore


The V Corps at this time was composed of the 28th Infantry Division, the 9th Infantry Division, the 4th Infantry Division and the 5th Armored Division. (7)

The 28th Division was on the north flank where it had relieved the 9th Division; the 4th Division was on the south flank and was to revert to VII Corps after 1 November; the 9th Division had moved to an assembly area on relief by the 28th and constituted a part of the Corps reserve; the 5th Armored Division was holding the central portion of the line with some units as Corps reserve. 8 (See Map C)

V Corps, whose mission was the preliminary operation outlined by First Army directive, initiated action to accomplish this task. Corps assigned the VOSSENACK-SCHMIDT-STRAUCH objective to the 28th Division with directions on 25 October to prepare for the attack between 26 October and 1 November. (7)

On 1 November, the 2nd Ranger Battalion was attached to V Corps from VII Corps and the Corps in turn attached the battalion to Combat Command A, 5th Armored Division. This force had a mission of an attack from LAMMERSDORF to seize high ground in vicinity of KESTERNICH and establish a line generally LAMMERSDORF-SIMMERATH-KESTERNICH. This operation would commence on the seizure of SCHMIDT by the 28th Division. (9)

On 1 November, the 28th Division attacked with its objective the VOSSENACK-SCHMIDT-STRAUCH triangle. This attack continued until 14 November against heavy enemy J resistance and resulted in partial accomplishment of the assigned mission. Due to the severe casualties suffered by the 28th Division in this attack, particularly in the SCHMIDT area, V Corps directed that the 8th Division, from VIII Corps, would relieve the 28th Division commencing 19 November and continue the mission. (10) Until relieved by the 8th Division, the 28th Division was instructed to organize defensive positions in place and cease offensive action against SCHMIDT. (11)

The 2nd Ranger Battalion was directed to relieve part of the 28th Division and act as counterattack force until relieved by the 8th Division. After relief by the 8th Division, the battalion would revert to attachment with 5th Armored Division. The Rangers relieved a battalion on the 14 November in vicinity of VOSSENACK and were relieved by 8th Division on 20 November. (10)

Relief of the 28th Division was completed on 20 November. On this date, First Army reattached Combat Command 'R', 5th Armored Division, to V Corps from VII Corps where this unit had been operating. V Corps attached this Combat Command to the 8th Division. (10) To continue on its assigned mission, V Corps directed the 8th Division to attack on 21 November. Objective of this attack was to be the towns of HURTGEN and KLEINHAU, generally northeast of the 28th Division objective and through a portion of the 4th Division sector. (12, 13 (See Map D), 14) To support this attack, V Corps secured an air strike and 52 tons of bombs were dropped on enemy in the vicinity of BERGSTEIN by medium bombers of the 9th Tactical Air Force. This air strike had little effect on this operation as it was delivered too early. (15)

The 8th Division continued its attack until 28 November when the town of HURTGEN was finally seized. (16)

With the seizure of HURTGEN, V Corps was directed by First Army on 29 November to seize the towns of KLEINHAU, BRANDENBERG and BERGSTEIN in addition to their initial assigned mission. (See Map D), 17)

Acting on First Army orders, V Corps directed the 8th Division to seize the high ground in the BERGSTEIN area. (18)

The 8th Division, with Combat Command 'R' and the 2nd Ranger Battalion attached, (19) attacked 1 December and continued until 3 December at which time they had established a line generally north and southwest of BERGSTEIN. Combat Command 'R' succeeded in seizing KLEINHAU during this attack. (18) Three air strikes were made against BERGSTEIN during the time of this attack but the enemy still occupied BERGSTEIN. (20)

With the 8th Division reaching open terrain in vicinity of BRANDENBERG-BERGSTEIN, even though it was limited, it permitted the employment of armor. (21)

At 0800, 3 December Combat Command 'R' attacked from the vicinity of KLEINHAU and succeeded in seizing BRANDENBERG. (23) Continuing the attack on 5 December, the Combat Command captured BERGSTEIN. (23) Air strikes by 9th Tactical Air Force and artillery support from the 8th Division Artillery and the 32nd Field Artillery Brigade aided the Combat Command in accomplishing its mission. (24)

Early the following day, 6 December, the enemy attempted to eject the armored forces from BERGSTEIN, due to its tactical importance. Three counterattacks were launched by the enemy, some of which were supported by self-propelled fire. These counterattacks failed to eject the forces from BERGSTEIN but succeeded in occupying some buildings in the eastern sector of town. (23, (See Map D)


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