Siegfried Line
39th Infantry Regiment (9th Inf. Div.)
13 Sept - 26 Oct 1944



19 September 1944

A renewal of the attacks was planned for 0900 in the morning. The plan was slightly modified, with I and L assaulting the northwest of the hill, and K sweeping around to the east. Tanks were planned to come through the gap (now cleared of the other tank) and to sweep the open part of Hill 554 on the east. A bombing mission was planned, but only a few bombs fell, of which one hit on the hill and the others were wide.

When the actual attack began, everything clicked. The smoke as requested from the mortars, and 4.2 chemicals came down to screen the actions of I and L from observation to the east. I Company took five pillboxes not on the map as it attacked from the north; L made good progress as it swung in from the west. However, L was not as fortunate as I in securing a position which could be defended, for as it approached the top of the hill it was hit hard from the south from position not indicated on the map. It was therefore unable to take its part of the objective that day.

The tanks moved through the gap as planned, but there were only three in the attack. They came up the slope of the hill with I Company, and the lead tank was fired upon by a bazooka which knocked it out. Thereupon, the other tanks withdrew. Throughout the fight the enemy was in trenched around the pillboxes, and from the pillboxes themselves they called in mortar and artillery fire on the hill.

The assault was made without the assistance of K Company, which held its position throughout the day.

20 September 1944

The situation was becoming more critical for the battalion, since the enemy by his observation from Hill 554 was able to throw fire into the entire area. A renewal of the attack was planned for 1000, A bombing mission of P-38th was secured; one bomb lit on the hill, one in the valley, and two on K Company 100 yards northwest of the hill.

The attack was preceded by smoke, There were now three tanks (including a 105 SP gun), and the infantry reached the top of the hill. One tank was hit by AT fire, while the other two shot up the trenches. The enemy fled from the emplacements and got into the pillboxes. It then called down a terrific shelling on its position. L Company was in the trenches immediate west of the pillboxes on the hill, while I was about 100 yards to the north. Both companies caught the artillery fire, and about 1200 the attack had to stop.

Regiment was informed that a continued assault on Hill 554 would result in excessive losses. It was therefore determined to hold the position as it was ( I on the north slope and L on the west slope of the hill ), while another attack by K Company took place to the east.

The summit of Hill 554 aka Eifelkreuz - map reference 975254
Former Pillbox #231, one of two with a steel dome, was located just in the rear of the cross.


21 September 1944

The strength of the enemy resistance in the vicinity of Hill 554 would be undermined if the high ground to the northeast could be secured. Both as part of the 3rd Battalion's mission to the south of Lammersdorf, and in conjunction with the 2nd Battalion's mission in the direction of Rollesbroich, K Company was given the task of attacking to the east and seizing the hilltop in the vicinity of 983262.

The attack of K Company, which began in the morning (about 0900), was preceded by 4.2 mortars and artillery and smoke on the wooded areas all along the slope in front of the objective. In the meantime, K Company had assembled its platoons west of the hill, in the vicinity of the route it had taken in attacking on the 18th. The company worked its way up the the wooded slope without serious opposition. It came up the pillbox dominating the hill to the west (979262), and from this fortification (a concrete shelter) the enemy came out to surrender. From this point the company began to work around to the north of the hill -- still without meeting serious enemy opposition.

However, as K Company approached the pillbox which dominates the road towards Rollesbroich it came upon enemy resistance. At the same time. it observed more than a company of the enemy retreating south and east around the nose of the hill to the north. These forces were giving way in front of an attack by the 2nd Battalion (E Company). The Forward Observer with K Company called for artillery and mortar fire upon the slope of the hill over which the enemy had to move (vicinity of 983266), and it came down with devastating effect. In addition a .50 cal machine gun set up near the pillbox in K Company's sector, and it fired with good effect upon the enemy. The result of the fire was to disorganize completely the enemy, who broke under the fire of the 3rd Battalion only to rush back into the fire of the 2nd Battalion. The enemy could be seen scattering, A few escaped to the east, while others surrendered to E Company and K Company, but a large number were killed. A small group of the enemy managed to dig in along the road to Rollesbroich (984265), and prevented the complete union of the flank of K and E companies.

K Company could not advance because of the pillbox to its right, which had not yet surrendered, and by night it sent a patrol to contact E Company, but did not advance that far up the road. I formed an arc in the vicinity of 978260, and stretching to hold the ground by strong points northeast to 983266. In its efforts to reduce the pillbox (983263), K Company worked up close to the emplacement and tried to use pole charges. Two failed to go off, while a third one did. go off but caused little damage. Efforts to reduce it were suspended in view of the darkness.


Source: N.A.R.A. Archives

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