2. Narrative of Operations and Enemy Action ctnd.

4 February 1945

After the completion of the previous day's action and subsequent mopping up operations, the 1st Battalion was relieved by Troop A, 38th Cavalry, Reconnaissance Squadron, and the Battalion was moved to Eicherscheid to reorganize its companies in preparation for future operations. At 0200A, the 2nd Battalion jumped off from a 3d Battalion position of Kesternich with Ruhrberg as its objective. Company G lead the attack with the rest of the battalion following in a column a companies echeloned to the left. The battalion pulled cut of Kesternich along the Kesternich-Ruhrberg road as heavy enemy artillery and mortar fire hit the town. Company G advanced along the road leading to Ruhrberg and the remainder of the column followed 250 yards to the north. The terrain in the sector approaching Ruhrberg is open and level affording no cover or concealment. The ground was barren of vegetation the day of this attack and there were no hedgerows after leaving the immediate vicinity of Kesternich. During the attack, the enemy had excellent fields of grazing fire from his positions, as well as artillery observation from the high ground across the Roer River. Against these enemy advantages, the 1st Battalion went forward and accomplished its mission, all operations going according to plan. By nightfall Ruhrberg had fallen, was completely captured and secured. The battalion regrouped on the high ground overlooking the town, as elements of the 102nd Cavalry Group took over control of the town. During this operation twenty six prisoners of war had been taken by the regiment to 580. Southeast of Kesternich the 3d Battalion had moved out at 0400A this day to clear out all enemy installations in this sector. Upon successful completion of this mission, the battalion then moved back into Kesternich to prepare for the next days operations.

5 February 1945

While the 2nd and 3d Battalions were in active participation of missions, the 1st Battalion was in the assembly area in the vicinity of Eicherscheid, organizing its units and making preparations for future operations. The 2nd Battalion moved north from its Ruhrberg positions to capture the town of Woffelsbach on the banks of the Roer. In the Woffelsbach area, the battalion, under direct enemy observation from the high ground east of Rhur Stau See, received heavy enemy small arms, artillery, and mortar fire; but the battalion succeeded in taking the town including the surrounding high ground. The 3d Battalion continued to mop up enemy elements in an area northeast of Kesternich. The ground work for a large scale future operation was now being laid. The 7th Division directed that the 1st Battalion be moved to Ruhrberg as close-in reserve. The very heavy artillery, mortar fire and direct fire weapons caused many casualties in the battalion headquarters group, including the battalion commanding officer. The battalion commander had stopped his column west of Ruhrberg where it remained throughout the day. At nightfall, the battalion was ordered to return to the assembly area in Eicherscheid.

6 February 1945

Activity was mainly centered around the reorganization and consolidation of positions in preparation for a large scale attack which was to begin the next day. The 1st Battalion reorganized its units in an assembly area in Eicherscheid. The 2nd Battalion organized defensive positions in the vicinity of Woffelsbach. At 0800A. Company L, supported by 90mm Tank Destroyers of the 7th Armored Division, attacked the town of Hechelscheid. By 0935A Company L had reached its objective from the direction of Steckenborn and the town was taken. This company captured forty seven PW's and fifteen pillboxes, most of which were camouflaged as houses and cottages. In this engagement, Company L suffered no casualties. The PW total was now 661 for the regiment. Antitank company continued to occupy and maintain its defensive position. The combat efficiency for the regiment was excellent.

7 February 1945

The mission for the regiment this day was to secure and hold Schmidt. This town is located on high ground which commands the approaches to the vital Schwammenauel Dam, primary link in the chain of the Roer River defensive dams. The 1st Battalion, initially in reserve, moved forward at 0850A to assist the 3d Battalion, which had started out along the Strauch - Steckenborn road. The 3d Battalion met tanks at a pre designated point where the troops mounted the tanks and proceeded with the attack using tank-infantry team tactics. After moving forward a short distance, the lead tank was knocked out by enemy action and the others of the tank company, bogged down and withdrew. This action made it necessary for the troops to dismount and continue the attack on foot. Approximately fifty unnecessary casualties were inflicted by this deny on the part of the tanks. The first elements of the 3d Battalion entered Schmidt at 1600A. By 1605A, Company I and Company K were in the process of clearing the enemy from the western portion of the town in house to house fighting. By the end of the period, the 3d Battalion had cleared 75 percent of Schmidt and had moved on to Harscheidt and were in the process of cleaning out that town.

The 2nd Battalion's primary objective were Klaus, a small cross-road town, and the ground between that town and Schmidt, extending down to the Schwammenauel Dam, which included several important and prominent terrain positions. The Battalion moved out in a column of companies from the wooded area southeast of Hechelscheid. It proceeded to its objective along rough trails which quite often required single file movement and at the end of the period had accomplished its mission.

The total number of PW's for the day was 142, advancing the regimental total to 803. Some of the prisoners captured represented the following units: Companies including a Regimental Headquarters Company of the 980th Volks Grenadier Regiment and the 982nd Volks Grenadier Regiment of the 3d Panzer Division.

8 February 1945

Mopping up operations and consolidation of new positions were principle activities carried on by the regiment on this date.

Although the 1st Battalion attacked at 1117A to seize enemy positions 500 yards south of Schmidt, this mission was accomplished by 1327A. At 1328A the battalion was ordered to turn east and advance to the right flank of the 3d Battalion, 310th Infantry and protect it. At 1100A the 2nd Battalion, 311th Infantry was ordered to clear out all enemy installations southeast of the Strauch - Schmidt road. The battalion accomplished its mission at 1515A and proceeded to a battalion assembly area in that vicinity. The 3d Battalion continued mopping up operations in Schmidt and Harscheidt consolidating its positions with emphasis on the north flank. Upon completion of this activity, the battalion moved out 3000 yards to take and secure Hetz Inger Heck. At 1640A, the battalion was attached to the 310th Infantry to provide support for that regiment; while the balance of the regiment was attached to the 9th Infantry Division. Combat Efficiency for the regiment was very satisfactory. The PW's for the day totaled 32, advancing the total for the regiment to 835.


Source: National Archives and Records Administration

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