By John B. Berg Jr.

28th Infantry Regiment of the 8th Infantry Division

Dec. 05 151 present. 5 BC – Shock, John / Rose, Ernest / Lee, William / Poppa, George / Gill, Irvin…. 4 NBC
  05:00 Company G jumps off. Company G receives excessive small arms and machine gun fire and Capt. Singletarry orders withdrawal to original position.
  08:00 Tanks begin firing on enemy position in front of 2nd Battalion. Enemy tanks fire back. Tanks continue to duel until 0850.
  08:20 Enemy tanks coming out of Kommerscheidt. 0850 Company E ride six men on tanks into the woods and establish a combat outpost until more men can be brought forward. Six tanks to be used.
  08:50 Company E ride six men on tanks into the woods and establish a combat outpost until more men can be brought forward. Six tanks to be used.
  08:55 Regiment CO visits CP.
  09:50 Regiment Tank CO visited CP with Company commander of tanks to say they can not fulfill mission. German Tanks firing into Vossenack.
  10:55 Company E told to attack at 12:20 through Company F assisted by tanks. 155’s and 105’s will lay down artillery on enemy positions. Attack changed to 12:40.
  12:20 Major Regan left for Company E.
  12:40 Company E jumps off on time.
  12:52 through 12:57  Company E goes through F, encounters small arms fire and machine guns. Our tanks not firing. Company E commits without tanks, advances to wire slowly but on target. Kommerscheidt fires on tanks.
  13:57 Asst. Division Commander visited C.P. and called for 4.2 liaison man. Regiment commander visited C.P.
  14:05 Enemy shooting our litter bearers coming back on route of evacuation.
  14:25 Company F to send some men forward to find the enemy machine guns and knock them out.
  14:35 Firing 155mm in enemy position. Reg. CO trying to find out where enemy is to the right of first battalion in order to send one of our other companies around and hit them from the side.
  14:45 Companies getting heavy mortar fire.
  15:10 Having smoke laid down 05003185 to help litter bearers and screen enemy fire.
  15:42 Company E pinned down, can’t advance do to intense enemy fire.
  15:47 Called regiment to get 5 .50 cals with ground mounts.
  15:59 Mortar fire falling on Company E.
  16:10 Patrols from Company G still out after enemy MG’s.
  16:45 Called Major Regan for CO regt. Company E to pull back to Company F area, Company F to side slip to old Company E area, Company G to pull back all personnel to their own company area.
  16:50 Instructions are complied with.
  18:50 Company E to send 1 platoon to G for tonight.
  19:30 Capt. Singletary reported to C.P.
  21:15 G Company to move out by route given on overlay through Vossenack, will take them to position on left of C-Company by 07:00 and attack at 08:00. Company E will attack at same time from this side of enemy. C-Company from the other side. .50 cal to be attached to Company E and also same to be placed in Vossenack to fire into draw at enemy positions. Engineers attached to Company G to operate flame-throwers and Bangalores if needed.
Dec. 06 133 present. 3 MIAs – Van Alten, Sylvan / Van Duren, Lyel / Dubose,Dieuden
13 BC – Crawford, Floyd / Fontenet, Turling / Smith, Hyman / Cunningham,Von / Hesse, Henry / Scotto, Lewis / Hogard, Lyon / Guzzi, Charles / Butler, Pink / Proctor, Herachal / O’Dell, Homer / Ranthun, Donald
  04:00 Major Regan left for Company G.
  08:00 E and G companies moved out.
  08:15 Company G everything going all right, they are across the draw receiving a little mortar and small arms fire.
  08:30 Company E reports they have reached same.
  08:43 Company G stopped at top of draw by MG.
  09:25 Artillery adjusting fire on enemy dug in at 04473239.
  10:00 Company G reorganizing at LD.
  10:40 A&P and litter bearers left for Company E to pick up casualties and guard medics.
Company E blew a breach in barbed wire.
  11:25 Regiment called that they received word to be on the look-out for 50 – 100 enemy planes probable over around 1200.
  11:45 Company G going to launch another attack at 1200.
  12:07 Sent back for Lt. Meyers to make recon for his 57’s.
  12:22 Asst. Div. Commander called at forward C.P.
  12:25 Request from CO that attack be at (1315).
  12:37 Started firing 81’s to Company G front.
  12:50 1st Battalion will fire to their front and over left front.
  13:00 Lt. Hall to take over platoon in Company G.
  13:15 Company G off on time.
  13:45 Company G getting machine gun fire from all directions. Trying to work up B.A.R.s to them.
  14:05 Lt. Meyers reported to C.P.
  14:07 Company G held up near the top of the draw, unable to move ahead for the moment.
  14:17 Major Regan wants to have Company G brake where they are and come back and talk over the situation with Regiment C.O.. Called him back and told him to have Company G keep pushing.
  15:00 Called regiment to see if 1st Battalion send platoon to clear out draw to Company G right.
  15:20 Enemy mortar located at 05403034, firing artillery on it.
  16:35 Colonel Ginder (fresh from the 121st Regiment where he led the attack on the town of Hurtgen) reported to CP.
  17:23 Company G told to hold where they are.
  17:53 Called Lt. Shumpert to go with Lt. Stephan to find new CP somewhere in Vossenack.
  18:05 Lt. Fisher left for 1st Battalion to get together to go around G-companies right to clear out draw.
  18:33 Col. Ginder will be in command for the present operation to clear out the enemy pocket in the left sector.
19:30 to 07:30 in morning 4.2 will throw white phosphorus on Kommerscheidt at 07:00 - 07:15. Heavy concentration of artillery on enemy positions 07:30 to 07:45. Again 0745 lift fire and turn over to F.A mortars to fire from 07:00 - 07:15 and 07:30 to 07:45 lay down fire along edge of woods.
  19:35 We will have 14 men from Regiment IR and 10 men from cannon company to support us for attack.
  20:30 IR platoon leader reported to C.P and got his orders.
  21:30 Sent overlay to Reg. of dispositions as of 062400 by liaison.
  21:35 Capt. Wheeler reported back to CP.
  24:00 Battalion CP moved to Vossenack 039328.
Dec. 07 122 present. 7 BC – Zajac, Frank / Phillips, Raymond / Stein, Frederick / Cowan, Carl / VanVorce, Robert / Tota, Joseph / Ziegler, John –2 promos – Lee and Walsh. 4 NBC .
  07:50 1st platoon Company G in draw.
  07:56 Company E moving out.
  08:55 Company G moving forward slowly, captured 4 prisoners.
  10:00 Enemy hit Company G on left, called 1st Battalion to have their companies start firing to the front to assist Company G. C-Company to send patrol to contact Company G.
  10:12 Company G has 7 POWs.
  10:35 Called 1st Battalion about situation and asked if cannon companies gun were in position. Guns in position.
  10:45 Enemy tanks across draw from Company E.
  11:25 Company G being shelled and getting small arms fire.
  11:28 Company G said things quieted down quite a bit.
  11:40 Received a call that 13th infantry would take sector held by Company F in order to let Company F assist in attack. Plan to put F in where E is and send E to assist G.
  11:47 Cannon company officer reported to CP.
  11:58 Lost TD from SP gun.
  12:55 Liaison officer reported from regiment with new boundaries. 2nd Battalion to continue mission to clear enemy north of line CC. 1st Battalion clear area on line CC. New boundary , 3rd battalion to go to new objective, lay booby traps in front of positions, get TDs in.
  13:10 Party from 13th visited CP to get situation on relief of Company F.
  13:20 Company E relieved by not later than 18:30 and Company F to be relieved by I-Company 13th Infantry. Company E will come up to Vossenack. Major Sullivan to coordinate relief. Keep Company E pushing and clear out enemy.
  15:15 Company E moving out, advancing slowly.
  16:20 Major Regan returned to CP.
  16:30 Reg. CO visited CP.
  20:45 Called 1st Battalion to have their companies open up with all their weapons starting at 08:00 and keeping it up until 08:20 to assist in the attack.
  24:00 Attack set for 08:00 in the morning. Company E and Company G attacking from left flank, E on right and G on left. F attacking from left. Task force of IR,CN,AT,Ap, they will attack with tanks from the front.
Dec. 08 105 present. 3 MIAs – Oliverio, Tony / Barich, John / Ash, Lawerence
13 BC – Brooks, Charles / Dellamalva, John / Davis, Norman / Collins, John / Barone, Mario / Motzer, Louis / Rose, Morris / Weeks, Howard / Wilson, Joseph / Kirson, David / Freeman, Winford / Martelli, Salvatore / Small, Lorne .
  07:00 81 mm’s starting to fire on enemy mortar positions.
  07:15 2 plts Company E lost from rest of company sent to first battalion for guide to send them to Company E.
  07:48 Tanks moving into position and moving out in attack.
  08:00 Attack off on time.
  08:03 Men are off the tanks and in the edge of woods.
  08:12 Task force now on objective.
  09:15 Tanks told to move forward and to left to give more support to task force.
  09:50 Enemy information captured last night. 1 red flare – fire artillery . 2 red flares – artillery falling short. 1 green flare – enemy attacking. 1 yellow flare - ???. 1 yellow and 1 green – enemy patrol approaching.
  10:05 Company G has moved 100 yards south.
  10:32 Company F told to send one platoon to the left and contact task force.
  11:25 Company G moving forward hit enemy barbed wire, going to use bangalore.
  11:40 4 tanks on the way up with flame throwers.
  11:55 21 men rounded up from kitchen and rear areas being held in reserve.
  12:03 Company G still making progress.
  13:00 15 prisoners taken.
  14:25 Company E has made progress about 150 yards front of LD, Company G position not known at present.
  15:25 Major Regan sent back to Company E. Company F to establish contact with task force.
  15:30 35 prisoners being sent to rear.
  15:40 Plane strafing forward CP.
  15:55 Firing pass leaflets in enemy position along draw in front of task force.
  16:15 1 Capt. and 1 Lt reported to CP as replacements.
  17:55 Called 1st Battalion to have Col. Smith or Capt.. Dughe report to our CP.
  19:25 1 platoon from Company F coming up tonight to go down on tank in morning and hit on Company F left. Any other men from Company F over 60 will be sent back to go to task force in morning.
Receiving 48 replacements early in morning.
Dec. 09 119 present. 15 BC – Derosa, John / Markowski, Teddy / Tumole, Louis / Schiel, Leo / DuFour, Warren / Barich, John / Mandel, Meyer / Brown, George / Goodale, Alfred / Luising, Martin / Allen, Archie / Mitsoda, John / Daly, Joseph / Schwarts, Louis / Gibbs, Grover… 27 Replacements
  05:30 Major Regan left for Company E.
  06:00 Overlay from regiment of situation.
  08:00 Attack off on time.
  08:30 Tanks got stuck going out of town, men came back.
  09:20 Company E on objective and tied in with task force #1.
  09:50 Tanks moving out again.
  10:40 Task force #1 has 5 prisoners.
  11:00 Trying to get flamethrower tank in position to fire into enemy strong point at Company F.
  12:35 Company G reports in proper position. Recommends moving to other side of draw but was told to hold tight until further notice.
  12:48 Lt. Westoff leaving CP to take replacements up to task force.
  12:51 Major Regan reports all units have reached objectives except Fox.
  15:00 Company A 709th Tank Battalion relieved by Colonel Ginder.
  15:25 Sent back for all replacements that have come into rear area.
Overlay from 45th Field Artillery of new artillery concentration.
  15:30 Task force #2 has Germans on both sides of them.
  15:50 Germans getting aggressive, may be counter attack. Increased artillery, mortars, and 4.2 fire.
  16:25 One platoon of Company E captured.
  16:30 Division Commander left for 1st Battalion. Called regiment to get 10 flamethrowers, refills, and engineers to operate them tonight.
  16:45 Called 1st Battalion for overlay of their positions, they will call when it is ready.
  16:47 Told Major Regan to get on strongest part of position, don’t give up any ground and dig in.
  17:15 LT. Meyer left with replacements for Company G (34 men).
  17:20 4 prisoners being sent to rear.
  19:00 Col. Ginder called regiment about situation.
  20:40 Company F to leave 1 platoon in present position and send rest of company to Vossenack tonight. They will start early in morning and go in to left of task force. From there all companies will extend their lines to the right to cover the battalion area. Attack will start at 09:00.
  21:50 Overlays sent to all companies of plan of attack for morning.
  22:15 Overlay and order from regiment that 2nd Battalion to be relieved after reduction of strong point by 311th infantry.
Dec. 10 128 present. 9 BC – Barrios, Jules / Chase, Herman / Welch, Andrew / Curtis, William / Dobrucki, Edward / DeForresr, Bruce / Robinson, Carl / Anderson, James / Correia, Wilburn… 18 replacements.
  07:10 Companies receiving very heavy artillery , maybe preparation for attack.
  09:00 Company F moving for attack.
  09:50 Tanks being attacked by enemy bazooka men.
  09:55 Called Capt. Dughe – asked to be informed of his right flank progress and presence of troops in draw.
  10:00 F Company reports contact with enemy. E and G companies moving into objective area.
  10:09 Major Regan called, Company F 200 yards from objective has five prisoners.
  10:30 Artillery firing on every dug in near road. Company G in their area and digging in.
  10:35 Informed regiment of company’s positions and situations.
  10:55 Asst. Division Commander visited CP.
  11:15 Told G Company to button up and get mines and MG’s setup and cover draw. Company E to place MG on they’re left and tie in with Company G on draw.
  11:32 Company E reports 7 prisoners to be sent back.
  11:40 Report from tanks that they captured the bazooka team.
  11:55 Major Regan with Company F reports they are at 04533203.
  12:00 Draw is all that is left to clear out. Prisoners say that there are only a couple of positions left. Prisoners sent back, number undetermined. Overlay from regiment of situation as of 092100.
  12:25 Company F captured 5 more prisoners.
  12:30 Company E sending in 12 more prisoners.
  12:45 Company F taken objective and buttoning up.
  12:58 W.P. shells landing near CP.
  13:25 Firing artillery and 4.2 for 1st Battalion, they are receiving counter attack.
  13:35 Report from prisoners that they saw 1 officer and 19 enlisted Americans being taken back as prisoners last night.
  13:44 Called Company G to be alert and cover draw to their left as 1st Battalion has been counter attacked.
  14:05 Contact established between Company F and their platoon in reg.
  14:15 Asst. Div. Commander left for 1st Battalion.
  14:20 Company E receiving mortar fire.
  14:30 Regiment called for overlay of positions for unit that is to relieve us.
  14:32 Germans in draw to front, lost contact with 1 outpost, investigating.
  14:35 Company G firing motors at 14 man patrol in front of 1st Battalion. 1st Battalion notified.
  14:50 Missing outpost located. Things are quieting down, asking for litter bearers to old Fox CP.
  15:20 Overlay from regiment of division defensive firings. Tank officer reports to CP.
  15:23 Overlay to regiment of company positions. Called disperse White (311 Infantry) on route to take over situation.
  15:50 Major Regan reports to CP that all companies will tie in.
  17:15 Enemy mortars fire on Company E.
  19:05 Message from regiment to relieve men that are attached from regiment tonight with reinforcements that we are getting.
Dec. 11 121 present. 3 KIA – Bowling, James / Holland, Labe / Sperling, Herbert, 2 BC – Jones, Robert / Breland, Ulman
  07:30 TD’s that were attached are relieved.
  08:00 Overlay of disposition and situation sent to regiment.
  09:45 Major Regan left for Roetgen (C/M case).
  09:55 Lt. Col. Lipscomb visited forward command post from 311th Infantry.
  11:35 Lt. Col. Lipscomb and Major Dunghe left for 1st Battalion.
  12:45 Major Regan left for division rear.
  12:55 Mortar fire falling near CP artillery firing on enemy mortar positions.
  14:15 4.2 mortar liaison officer relieved from attached.
  14:20 Party from 311 Infantry visited CP to make recon.
  15:05 Company G reports movement at 051328, possible 1st Battalion.
  16:15 Party from 311 Inf. reported to go forward with engineers tonight to see where mines are being laid.
  16:45 Major Regan returned to CP.
  24:00 Overlay dispositions from regiment and orders showing objective. Overlays from companies showing position and mine sketch.